LMS Wordpress integration & How To's

Is it now available for wordpress? Please guide me how to integrate H5P with wordpress and steps to make it as LMS website

We'll be working on documentation soon, and will add documentation explaining how to integrate H5P with new frameworks. Currently we support Joomla 2.5 and Drupal 6.

Is it possible to integrate with sensai lms?

fnoks's picture

Since Sensei LMS is a commercial product, we have not been able to test it. Therefore we don't know how good or bad H5P plays with Sensei today. I think this question also should be asked to the Sensei team.

Any thoughts of making this an LTI to integrate with Canvas?

Timothy Lim's picture

Hi, yes there are plans to making an LTI integration but a timeline has not been specified yet. 


Timothy Lim's picture

That should read *there are plans for*

falcon's picture

H5P.com will be released this year with a Canvas integration (through LTI). You may sign up for updates there.