
usernamenumber's picture

Hello all, 

Apologies if this has been asked before-- I couldn't find a search function for this forum?

Anyway, I run a departmental training program at a tech company, and I've been looking for ways to make nice-looking content (that doesn't involve a $1k license per person developing that content). 

HP5 looks really cool, and I look forward to investigating it more. I see that it has some kind of integration with CMSes like Joomla, but ideally I would like to have not only the content, but allow scores to be reported to an LMS (Moodle in my case). Does anyone know of any work that's been done to allow HP5 content to speak SCORM or LTI or some other way to allow scores to count toward a centrally recorded course grade?

Failing that, just being able to display the content in Moodle would be good. I can think of a few ways I could approach that, but has anyone done it? Are there any best practices I should know about?


I havent tried with Moodle, but it works fine with Mediawiki to "embed it" using iframes, html and such things.
It looks like simular things can be done with Moodle as well:

To do things like this tere will need to be one WordPress or one Drupal intallation to "host" the H5P modules and then one Moodle installation that should be able to "show" the content from the Wordpress or the Drupal installation. I have testeed with Mediawiki and "embedding" fram Wordpress and Drupal. Wordpress might be slightly more easy to get started with, but Drupal is actually not that bad at all. (I have never used it before.)

falcon's picture

H5Ps will generate Tin Can statements that may be used to store results and more in a learning record store. This will be in place in december. We do have a working prototype.

H5P will not have the features for connecting to a LRS, but there seems to be plugins for this under development or for purchase for both Wordpress and Drupal.

pramodh's picture

Hi H5P team,

You guys are doing some great work to bring simplicity to eLearning. I really appreciate your efforts.

Just wanted to check on Tin Ca and LRS? Are there any updates for this?


falcon's picture

Thanks! We're working on it. Hopefully we'll be able to release it this month.
falcon's picture

We've been recommended to add LTI support for before doing a Moodle plugin since Moodle sites often isn't updated frequently and H5P is moving forward quite quickly. A Moodle site that hasn't been updated the last 3 months probably wouldn't be able to use the latest H5P libraries.

The idea is that Moodle users could then use to create their content and embed it in Moodle using the "External Tool". Grades would then be recorded in the users grade book.

So the main advantage would be that Moodle users would always have access to the latest stable versions of the H5P content types without having to worry about updates. The biggest draw backs would be having to log in to two different sites, and less customization options. To begin with it wouldn't be possible to change the styling for instance.

Any thoughts here?