Unable to load content types to Moodle site

Hi, i have installed the H5P plugin on my Moodle site without error. I am however unable to upload the H5P content library using the file from the H5P site:


When I browse for it, and upload it, my Moodle site just displays a string of symbols that looks like this:

H5P Libraries

Upload Libraries

                      H5P file  [[]]




I have checked the write access to the Moodle directory and cannot find any issue. I've also checked the file size upload limit where ther is no issue. I have uninstalled the plugin and retried a number of times without success.

I can access the H5P as an activity in a course but there simply are 'zero' content types to select to create anything. I have created content on an externally hosted Moodle site that I use privately (Moodlehub.com) that has the H5P plugin on it and it has worked great. I have downloaded this content and attempted to upload to my work Moodle site using the upload capability within the H5P activity within a course and I get the same error as above.

Any thoughts to remedy this would be greatly appreciated. 


fnoks's picture


Could you please check for any traces in your webserver's error log?


Like fnoks said, check your web server error log. I did encounter a similar issue, in my case the problem was in the web.config file. I had a duplicate value for the .php extension in the Mime Type. I had to add this line in the web.config file:

<remove fileExtension=".php" />

It should look like this:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




          <remove fileExtension=".php" />

            <mimeMap fileExtension=".php" mimeType="text/php" />


This is my configuration:

Windows 2012 Server R2


PHP v. 7.0.11 

Moodle 3.1.2
