When submitting answers to questions in Interactive Video, not all buttons are shown (Retry, Show Solution, Continue)

When adding Multiple Choice or Single Choice questions to an interactive video, I want all buttons to be shown after submitting an answer, in particular these under "Behavourial settings": Enable "Retry" button & Enable "Show Solution button".

Neither button is displayed when I test in Firefox (81.0.2) or Chrome (86.0.4240.75).

I copied the multiple choice question item from the sample interactive video (on the H5P.org website) into my own video and then the buttons are displayed properly and work as planned.

Next, I created a multiple choice question in the sample intractive video from the H5p.org website and although I think I am using the exact same settings as used in the existing multiple choice question, the buttons "Show Solution", "Continue" and "Retry" do not appear.

I have attached my experiment (multiple choice test at 1:03 called "PP test") for you to check this behaviour for yourself.



P.S. Interesting late breaking twist: I normally work in Firefox, but if I edit my interactive content in Chrome and add a Multiple Choice question to my interactive video, all buttons are shown and work as planned.

Content types: 

Interesting twist: I just discovered that when I create the interactive elements (e.g. Multiple Choice question) in Chrome, the buttons do appear and work correctly.

BV52's picture

Hi Snaulus,

Thank you for reporting this. I noticed that you set the mulitple choice to have "adaptivity" if I'm not mistaken this is by design. Adaptivity is meant to "force" students to rewatch the video or sent to another location in the video depending on their answers. What I am puzzled with is that you mentioned that it lets you see the buttons when creating the content in Chrome. I have created 2 contents and both are exhibiting the same behavior:

https://bv-demo.h5p.com/content/1291145712093639449 - Created in Firefox

https://bv-demo.h5p.com/content/1291145718816821269 - Created in Chrome