Full-screen button not clickable (Drag and drop)

Usapuka's picture


How do I make the full-screen button clickable when in the droppable zone? Please see https://capacitaciones.tecnobiz.com.ar/principiantes-monocromo/2/ and https://capacitaciones.tecnobiz.com.ar/color-superior/2/.

Thanks, cheers,

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Gabriel,

The first link is inaccesible with an error "Parece que esta página no existe." however when I checked earlier I did see what the issue. On the other hand for the second link I was able to click on the full screen button.


Usapuka's picture

Hi BV52,

Thanks for your answer.
In the second link the full screen works fine because the full-screen button is out of the droppable zone, the problem is here (sorry the first link was wrong): Concurso Bodegones – Principiantes monocromo – Página 2 – Capacitaciones TecnoBiz.


Usapuka's picture

Hi BV52,

Thanks for your answer.
In the second link the full screen works fine because the full-screen button is out of the droppable zone, the problem is here (sorry the first link was wrong): Concurso Bodegones – Principiantes monocromo – Página 2 – Capacitaciones TecnoBiz.


BV52's picture

Hi Gabriel,

Thank you for the link. Did you make any customization in the libraries or use CSS overrides? I am asking because by design the full screen button is outside of the "play area" and situated on the same line as the title.


Usapuka's picture

Hi BV,

This is the Custom css that I added:

html.h5p-iframe .h5p-content {
   font-family: Roboto;/* font used in H5P content */
   color: #3b3b3b; /* color of the H5P fonts */ 
.h5p-question-feedback {
    font-weight: normal; 

/* 	Fonts de Dialog Cards */
.h5p-dialogcards .h5p-dialogcards-card-text-area {
    font-size: 1.5em;

.h5p-dialogcards .h5p-dialogcards-title-inner {
    font-size: 1.5em;

/* Primer pantalla de Course presentation */
.intro-page .title {
    padding: 100px 0 50px 0;
/* Instrucciones Image Sequence */
.h5p-image-sequencing .h5p-task-description {
    color: #3b3b3b;
    font-size: 1em;
    line-height: 1em;
    padding: 0.5em;
    font-style: italic;
