Interative Video not showing up as option

Hello.  I am using the free versin of H5P and it won't even show me the interactive video feature as one of the options.  12 options show up to choose from, and the interactive video is not one of them.  I even tried using a different browser but no luck.  Is this still a free feature?  Any suggestions?  Thanks! 

BV52's picture

Hi bmcleod,

To provide a best possible experience for new users and to ensure that people use only for trying out H5P (we've had more traffic than our server can handle lately, ref also the warnings when you create content, embed content and view the content) we are experimenting with which content types should be available here.

Check the getting started page for information on how you can use all the content types and use H5P for real. We unfortunately are not able to provide free hosting, only free software :) Hopefully you'll consider supporting the H5P Core Team by using


otacke's picture

Hi BV!

There's a message explaining this at the bottom of the H5P Hub ("Many more content types are available - only offers a selection of H5P content types for testing. You can see all our content types in the examples and downloads pages and try out all our recommended content types on"). Maybe it should be put on top so people can find it easier?


BV52's picture

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll mention this with the H5P core team.


Thank you both!  The interactive video is the first feature shown and then it says 'would you like to create content like this on your own?', and then there's the 'Get Started' option, which leads to a login creation page even though I've already created a login.  It just seems a bit misleading, or at the least confusing. Thanks again. -Beth

BV52's picture

Hi Beth,

Thank you for pointing this out. I think we just need to do a better job in informing everyone that this site is for testing purposes but everything else is available if you install/use the free plugin.