H5P Not sending Headers in Safari/iOS?

We use H5P to deliver courseware to a lot of users across multiple states in the US in public schools. Many use iPads, and we use the Interactive Video content type exclusively. We host our videos on Azure with CORS rules to stop users from viewing the videos with a direct link to the object on the CDN, by checking for our URL in the "Referer" header. However, it seems in Safari and iOS Chrome, these headers are not sent with the video IF the video is the source in an interactive video H5P element. So, all iOS users are blocked.

Are there any other users out there sourcing the interactive video elements through S3 or Azure? YouTube offers little features and everything else is either very expensive or not secure. It seems that CORS rules are very common, so it's odd that they wouldn't work on Safari.

Could anyone assist?

Content types: 

That's a great piece of software. I think it's very helpful to a lot of people.