mathjax and mathematical Formulas

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i like your content types und use these content types in my moodle-courses. I am a math teacher and i often use mathematical formulas. My problem is, that i often cannot use these formulas in h5p texteditors. I wondered if it is possible to integrade mathjax into these texteditors in different h5p-contents? This would help very much by creating new interactive videos, etc..

Thanks for your help!



i like your content types und use these content types in my moodle-courses. I am a math teacher and i often use mathematical formulas. My problem is, that i often cannot use these formulas in h5p texteditors. I wondered if it is possible to integrade mathjax into these texteditors in different h5p-contents? This would help very much by creating new interactive videos, etc..

Thanks for your help!


icc's picture

Yes, it is possible to add math support, however, it requires you to modify/add code. There is a big thread on the subject here.