Network front page

The H5P
Supporter Network

is the voice of the H5P Community, influencing the directions of H5P development and providing support for the continuous growth of H5P through an open and transparent procedure.
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Our Mission

The H5P Supporter Network is a network of organizations dedicated to contributing to the further development of H5P and the H5P Community.
The mission is to give direction and provide resources for the expansion of the H5P open source project and the H5P Community.
Our mission banner

Why join us?

The H5P Supporter Network consists of organizations who actively support H5P.

By joining the H5P Supporter Network, you will gain significant influence on the development of H5P through an open and transparent procedure. As a Supporter Network member, you may vote for new features on the Feature Requests Forum. The most popular feature in terms of votes will be included in the next release provided that the network has generated sufficient funding. 50 % of the funds attained from the Supporter Network will go to cover the business operating costs and man-power related to developing the prioritized features voted on by the Supporter Network. The other 50 % will fund general maintenance and development of the open source project and infrastructure. Financial reports will be published at least twice per year showing the amount of funding generated by the network and how it has been applied.

Additionally, as a Supporter Network member, you earn the opportunity to honor contributions from your peers and may influence the decision of our annual contest winner being awarded for exceptional contributions to H5P and the H5P community!
As a Supporter Network member, you are allowed to use the exclusive H5P Supporter logo in your H5P related activity and in your marketing of H5P related products and services. You will also be recognized as such in the H5P community overview and on the H5P user forums.

Benefits of joining the H5P Supporter network

  • You contribute to the development of H5P.
  • You gain influence on H5P roadmap as a Member (all Supporters) or via the Advisory Board (Platinum Supporters only)
  • You get to use the exclusive "H5P Supporter logo" in your marketing.
  • You are eligible for awards if you make exceptional contributions.
  • You may vote on yearly awards.
  • You receive recognition on
Benefits of joining the H5P Supporter network banner

Get a membership

Organisation Silver

Organisation Silver Membership banner
$2 499 a year
  • 10 votes
  • Use the "H5P Silver Supporter" Logo
Sign up

Organisation Gold

Organisation Gold Membership banner
$9 999 a year
  • 50 votes
  • Use the "H5P Gold Supporter" Logo
Sign up

Organisation Platinum

Organisation Platinum Membership banner
$49 999 a year
  • 300 votes
  • Use the "H5P Platinum Supporter" Logo
Sign up

All prices in US dollars.

Additional information on membership

H5P is an open source project. Your contribution as a supporter is important for the development of H5P, our community and growth. The membership fee is essential to funding the further development of H5P in the direction of the requirements of the global H5P Community. In return for your contribution, you hold a significant influence on the H5P roadmap.

But you can get even more involved. The community is growing fast, and we hope you can contribute to the H5P experience by being an active member of the community, spreading the word and contributing to the user forum and the H5P Software project. We are sure that the H5P supporter network can be the driving force of the H5P community. In return, you will connect with other H5P ambassadors, earn merit and awards, and the H5P Community will be forever grateful for your contributions. The H5P Supporter Network will also add a plan for individuals at a later stage. The H5P Core Team currently does not have the capacity to handle the potential administrative overhead associated with a plan for individuals.

Download the H5P Supporter Network logo here

Questions about the Supporter Network may be sent to [email protected]