Request for self-assessment question type with feedback containing text and picture on the summary/ score card page.


Request for self-assessment question type.


In one of our books, that I am making a course of now, we have some kind of self-assessment questions.


It scoud be easy to make. The question and a slider with 1-10 on it where the user can select a number.


At the end of the questions on the summary/ score card page they get a score showing where they stand on the different issues in the course thay are going to take and we as the course creator must then be able to put inn some text and a picture in the score card based on what they answer.



This type of questions is good to see where the new student stands in the new thing they want to learn.


One example is if one student wants to learn Spanish ore how to cook. Based on his/hers scorecard and summary page the course creator will know if they are a beginner, intermediate ore advanced student. And can branch out the course accordantly in entry, intermidiate and expert levels.

The course creator can also see what topics they are not so strong in and can adapt the course to that.


Please see prinscreen of one of the pages in our book with this type of question. Sorry it is in Norwegian. I can transelate some of it if you require that.



Best Regards

Thor Ivar


Request for self-assessment question type with feedback containing text and picture on the summary/ score card page.
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otacke's picture

Hi Thor!

Sound like what I have in mind here: So far, however, I have neither found enough free time nor someone who want to fund the development.
