Interactive book to facilitate H5P workshop for university staff
Hi H5P community,
I'm a learning designer based in Wellington (New Zealand) and have developed a workshop to introduce H5P to academic and professional staff at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). Both H5P and the workshop have been popular at VUW this year and I'm pleased that I'm allowed to share with the community the main workshop resource that I have created to facilitate this workshop (and that I share with participants afterwards). It's an interactive book that provides a short overview of what H5P is, what it can do, why to use it, examples (including H5Ps own berry-theme examples), tips and guidance for getting started with creating H5P activities.
You can have a look at the resource here:
Note that this version is from August 2021, some of the content is specific to VUW, and there may be the odd typo... But you are welcome to use it as inspiration, download it, adapt it for your own purposes, and update it appropriately as H5P develops new content types etc.
The interactive book has received positive feedback from our workshop participants, so I hope you enjoy it too :)
(PS: H5P team: I hope it's ok that I've used screenshots from H5P in the interactive book - if there is a problem, please let me know and I will remove the post again).
Thu, 09/16/2021 - 19:36
Hi SN_Litti,Thank you for
Hi SN_Litti,
Thank you for sharing your content a few observations below:
Note: I do not have accesst to account specific information. So what I mentioned above is for most subscriptions but it may not be true for your organization.
I speak for the H5P core team but I am not a lawyer, regarding the screenshots I think it is fine to use them. You can use the trademark policy of H5P as a guide in using logos and screenshots.
Wed, 09/28/2022 - 15:51
Hello @SN_Litti, how did you
Hello @SN_Litti, how did you add Question Set Content type in the list of content? I could not see this content option on the drop down in my installation. I then uploaded your example and it did appear. But I am now wondering if I could add for example "Interactive scenario" or "Image juxtaposition".
Thank you,
Wed, 09/28/2022 - 16:01
Add more content type
Hello @SN_LItti, how did you do to add the Question Set in the list of available content within the interactive book? My installation was not showing it and it's only when I uploaded your files onto our website that it appeared. I woudl like to add image juxtaposition or interactive scenari.
Thank you,
Wed, 09/28/2022 - 16:01
Add more content type
Hello @SN_LItti, how did you do to add the Question Set in the list of available content within the interactive book? My installation was not showing it and it's only when I uploaded your files onto our website that it appeared. I woudl like to add image juxtaposition or interactive scenari.
Thank you,
Wed, 09/28/2022 - 18:20
Hi Celine,Firstly there is a
Hi Celine,
Firstly there is a difference between hosting H5P using the plugins compared to hosting it in Using the plugin the admin takes care of everything including installing the libraries. This is what happened to your installation, you were lacking the libraries for Question Set in Interactive Book that is why it is not showing in the options. When you uploaded the content that the OP attached it installed those libraries. However Image Juxtaposition and I guess you are pertaining to Branching Scenario are content types that are not included in the list of contents that can be created in Interactive Book. So the only way to add them is to make changes to the code.