General error: Automatic browser scroll to red-marked mandatory field (small screens)

Example:  Interactive Video -> Crossroads (image attached)

Fields for "Question Text" and "Choyce Text" are filled out, but the "Go To"-field has not been filled out.

When pressing "DONE" nothing happens. There is no indicator of what is wrong, because I can't see that the "Go To"-field has been marked red.

In order for this to show, the browser needs to scroll automatically to the "non-filled/data not accepted"-field.

*Using Google Chrome on Mac

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BV52's picture

Hi Dagolere,

Thank you for reporting this. In order give your bug report the best chance of getting answered, please include the following information:

  1. Steps to recreate the bug
  2. Platform you're using: Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle (version number would be helpful as well)
  3. Mobile or Desktop
  4. Browser: Chrome on Mac
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. H5P content type version
  7. Is this happening while creating the content or while using it?
  8. Screenshots if it's a visual problem

The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!

This has been tested on your web site demo.

1. Go Interactive Video -> add youtube-file -> Open Crossroads interaction window ->add data inn Fields; Question text and choice text ->press DONE -> (error) browser does not scroll automatically to mandatory field that has error state (in other words: error is not identified to the user when DONE-action is prevented)

2. The version you are using on the demo on this website

3. Desktop: Macbook

4. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari on Mac

5. The plugin on

6. The content type version on

7. During creation

8. Screenshot attached 

BV52's picture

Hi Dagolere,

Thank you for the information. 

This is actually by design or a lack of the feature. I think this is a valid concern and can help a lot by knowing immediately what is missing. Also if I may suggest to have this feature on all content types. There is also an alternative where there would be a message at the top saying that there is a missing field. I think it may be easier to code this kind of change what do you think? I have moved the post to the Feature Request forum for better visibility.
