Accessibility Focus Order in Voice Over: First navigation after exiting a frame returns focus to the top of the page

Poornima Pillai's picture

We have identified an accessibility issue regarding the focus order in VO while testing on H5Ps example webpage. The expected behaviour and the actual is as explained here.

Actual: The first navigation (control + option + forward arrow) after exiting a frame returns focus to the top of the page or bottom.

Expected: When exiting the frame, focus is returned on the outer frame itself, and navigating onward from there focuses on the next element below the frame


Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Poormina,

Thank you for reporting this. I noticed that you tested several content types and have reported them with several accesibility issues. Would you mind telling us which screenreader/s you used so that I can test these and report to the developers in the core team? I apologize in advance if you already mentioned this in of your posts.


Poornima Pillai's picture

Hi there,

We have used Chrome + NVDA and Safari + Voiceover for testing, most of the issues are but reported for Voiceover. I have ensured to update the screenreader details in the description of the ticket.


BV52's picture

Hi Poormina,

Thank you for the information. I think there is no need to update all the tickets since I'll be reporting these to the developers in a single report. I'll keep you updated.