Question Set and Fill in The Blank
Submitted by aycancandar2 on Wed, 12/08/2021 - 22:01
I downloaded the question set and uploaded it. I can only add drag and drop question type while editing. How can I add a fill in the blank?
H5P file:
Content types:
Thu, 12/09/2021 - 09:50
Hi!If the original Question
If the original Question Set doesn't contain a Fill in the Blanks exercise, then the Fill in the Blanks libraries will not be included in the H5P file. If you then upload it to a system that doesn't provide the Fill in the Blanks libraries that are required, then Question Set won't be able to include Fill in the Blanks. You'll have to install the Fill in the Blanks libraries.
Thu, 12/09/2021 - 18:17
Hi aycancandar2,Just to add
Hi aycancandar2,
Just to add to what Oliver mentioned. I have a QS that can be downloaded for the sole purpose of installing/updating libraries.