Timer to the branching scenario


I create trainings for police students and they love the branching scenario feature. It would be great to have a timer in the branching scenario, so that the students should choose the right option while having a feeling of hurry. This would increase their stress level and thus imitate the real life situation. If the time limit was exceeded, the result would be e.g. 'FAIL' and the student would need to start the game from the beginning, or continue but get negative feedback. Increasing the stress level would also be good as the students would have a debriefing training afterwards and learn how to control their stress in difficult situations.

Thank you for your great work with h5p!

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Hi Mkotzi,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful. You can also help by developing or help (crowd) fund the development of this feature.