interactive book size limits

Hey there,

sorry if this question is already answered somewhere else, but I didnt fight the answer here neither on the h5p documentation.

I´m developing an interactive book for self-study. I actually dont know how big this course will get in the end, so I´m asking myself if there are any limitations in size for interactive books.

Until what size the books are expected to have a good performance? Is there a limit of data size or a limited count of pages/ content types?


Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Metuwe,

For me this will depend on several factors such are your servers capability, devices and connection used to access your contents etc.I don't think the number of pages/content types is not a good way of gauging how the content will perform. For example a content that have 10 Interactive Videos will have more impact on the server than say a conent that have 50 True/False.