Should H5P be advertised as "free?"

On H5P's front page, I found this: "H5P is a completely free and open technology, licensed with the MIT license."

I decided to try to make a "Sort the paragraphs" questions. Looked at the example, clicked on "get started" and quickly found that is was only "free to try."

Of all the scams on the internet, this is one of the worst. Something advertised as free, but it's not.

I went to check the pricing. For one question, one user, one learner, the cost was over $54 a month. Not only is this not free, the cost is astronomical.

Is it really honest to advertise H5P as "completely free?"


otacke's picture

Hi Walter!

I think you may be confusing the software H5P with the service

The software H5P is completely free and on top the source code is openly available. There are plenty of ways to run the software H5P on your own server or local computer. There are the plugins for WordPress, moodle and Drupal that have been created by the H5P core team - just explore this site a little. There are also plugins for TYPO3, ILIAS and Stud.IP that have been created by other teams. There's moodle's custom integration. There's Lumi for your desktop computer. There's a "standalone" version for servers. And probably there are even more options. All free.

The service, however, is not free. You don't pay for the software H5P, but for a platform that's built around that software where you pay for hosting, enhanced ways to organize your content, 24/5 support and some exclusive features. That's what in the end funds the development of the software H5P, which, as I mentioned, is completely free.

