Drag and drop Step 2 doesn't work


I've used Drag and Drop with Moodle so many times but, since some weeks ago, I can't use it.

I upload the Background as usual and continue with Step 2. In this Step, there's a messatge asking me to put the task size. The space to place the drop zone doesn't appear and it's not possible to complete the activity.

First screenload using Chrome and Mozzilla. Second screenload using I Explorer.





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BV52's picture

Hi Xavi,

Would you mind attaching a screenshot of the following:

  1. Step 1 - Settings
  2. Step 2 - Task
  3. The message asking you to add the task size.

Additional info needed that may help:

  1. Moodle Version
  2. Drag and Drop Version

Furthermore I would suggest that we please follow the guidelines in this forum and provide the information asked. These information may provide clues to what may be causing the issue.


Hi again,

find attached the screenshots:

Moodle version is 3.9
I can't find Drag Drop Version

As I said, I created some months ago Drag Drop activities without any problem. If I enter now to those activities, I also can't edit them, although I can see the final result.










First, I wanted to thank you for the remarkable performance of H5PH. 

This wordpress extension helps me a lot to create online language exercises in my site.

However, for several months, I have not been able to create new exercise pages. In fact, it allows me to create an exercices but when i click "create", it recieve un message that there is an error. And it's the same problem for all the others exercices (fill in blanks, true flase, multiple choice,etc)

Icouldn't find where the problem is coming from!!! Could you help me please ?Thanks very much!

BV52's picture

Hi aprendefrances,

Please repost your issue in the main bugs forum. Please provide as much information as requested in that forum.


Dear all,

Do you have any answer about this error? I'm facing the same error in moodle 3.9 (exactly what was described by Xavi) 

TIA and all the best