H5P Interactive Branched Learning Videos Freezing On Question

Hello There!

  We created an interactive video course in LearnPress LMS, in conjunction with GrassBlade LRS, hosted on Bluehost earlier this year. The H5P content appeared to run fine until around May. The most recent issue with the H5P player is that it will freeze when a question is cued. There will be no question displayed with a grayed out screen. It appears to be somewhat random as to when it occurs, but students are not able to take the course because of it. I have recreated this on Android, iOS, and Windows on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. On iPad Safari, fiddling with the mini-player/fullscreen/etc will un-freeze the video, but those on Windows are not so fortunate. I have uploaded a gif of the fault. Everything has been updated for testing, no help there. Do you have any suggestions on a fix for this or have you ever witnessed this behavior before?

Thank you in advance for your help,



Update for Interactive Video Question Event for Reliability
Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Jack,

  1. H5P plugin version
  2. H5P content type and version (if a content type was used), and a sample URL.
  3. Any browser console errors
  4. Any PHP errors
  5. Any recent changes to the environment (new plugins/modules, updates, configuration changes etc.)
  6. Any recent changes to the browser you're using (new extensions, updates etc.)


First, thank you once again for your time.

 To Answer the questions:

H5P Plugin Version: 1.15.4

H5P Content Type: Interactive Video in Branching Scenario

Browser Errors:

On Chrome: “Deprecated Feature Used Synchronous XMLHttp Request on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ .

1 source: xapiwrapper.min.js:2 “

PHP Errors: None

No Recent Plugin Changes

No Recent Browser Changes


If you like I can send you a login to the website?

Username: BV

Pass: ThisIsATest

This is an intermittent failure but the most reliable place to replicate the failure is this module: https://curriculaportal.com/home/courses/medalert-first-reponder-cpr-and...

That link will likely work after signed in.

Thank you once again for your help!


Have you had an opportunity to look at the link I sent you? Any assistance on this is sincerely appreciated as we have students who are having a lot of trouble with this bug. To restate, we are getting a plethora of issues including decoding errors (only MP4 videos used and the error corrects after a reload of the page), some questions are simply skipped, and other question points freeze into a greyed out screen. I have replicated these accross Windows, Mac, IOS, and Android in multiple browsers Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.


Please let me know if you have any help for this.

Updated link:


Shock – Curricula Portal