Error when upload a content developed in Curriki to Moodle


See below details. How can i overcome below bug and upload the G5P file to moodle?

  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen) : I created a H5P course using Curriki Studio. It contains, course presentation & Intractive Video.It's a 7.1MB file. I Download the course to my computer as H5P file. Then i uploded the file to Moodle Cloude LMS content bank. It's not uploading properly and giving below error messsage. I tried to open the same file with LUMI education, it's not opening it; message is 'COULD NOT OPEN'.
  2. //The version of the H5P library H5P.CoursePresentation used in this content is not valid. Content contains H5P.CoursePresentation 1.21, but it should be H5P.CoursePresentation 1.24.////The version of the H5P library H5P.InteractiveVideo used in this content is not valid. Content contains H5P.InteractiveVideo 1.21, but it should be H5P.InteractiveVideo 1.24.////The version of the H5P library H5P.CoursePresentation used in this content is not valid. Content contains H5P.CoursePresentation 1.21, but it should be H5P.CoursePresentation 1.24.// 
  3. Platform and version number. Moodle Cloude. Version 4.0.1
  4. Mobile or Desktop : Desktop
  5. Browser: Chrome
  6. H5P plugin version - I used the Curroli Platform, not sure the version.
  7. H5P content type and version-Course presentation and Intractive video (Link -
  8. Any browser console errors - Not sure
  9. Any PHP errors - Not sure
  10. Screenshots if it's a visual problem - See above error message 
  11. Any recent changes to the environment (new plugins/modules, updates, configuration changes etc.)- No
  12. Any recent changes to the browser you're using (new extensions, updates etc.) - No'


Content types: 
otacke's picture


That problem seems to be on that "" platform. I cannot say if that's all the issues, but the export file archive (the h5p file) that the platform creates contains files that are not valid within the H5P file specification, so H5P will not upload them. This is most likely a problem with improper installation of H5P library files on the "" platform. On top of that, the version of Branching Scenario and other libraries that they are running are severely outdated, but that's just a side note.

In short: It's not an issue with H5P, but with the custom H5P integration that currikistudio is running and they need to fix things.


Thanks. I will contact them and try to get sorted this.