Insert a cut video into an H5P interactive video
Submitted by Nathalie Dembega on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 18:35
I would like to be able to insert a cut video into an H5P interactive video or course presentation type module, which software should I use?
Thank you for your help
Wed, 10/19/2022 - 15:41
Insert a cut video into an H5P interactive video
Hi Nathalie,
first to the simple. Inserting a video into course presentation should be possible via the corresponding movie icon. As far as I know, inserting a video into an interactive video is not possible in this way. But you could of course cut the source video together with your video to be inserted and insert your desired interaction at the appropriate places. For this you would need an editing program and this depends on your operating system, which I don't know or can guess.
Greetings villon