professional and diverse memory training

Hello. I want features that allows students to train their memory like memorysports.
It's not normal memory game but the memory training.

You put images or words into the database, and spray them randomly on the page you want.
During the first session(memory session: pre-set memorization time), students memorize the images or words that are randomly listed in order.
If it takes all of the specified time, or if they press the Skip button, the images sprayed during the first session will be randomly mixed (the words will just disappear without being seen).
For images during the second session(recall session: time to get the correct answer and sequence), have the student rearrange as they were in the first session(or just type the words).
If the recall session time over or the confirmation button is pressed, they can move on to the third session(the scoring session) to check how many they got right and how many they got wrong by comparing the difference between the memory session and the recall session.
Finally, it would be nice if such score records were stored in the database for each student account so that the instructor or student can see the training results clearly(such as a graph).

It's a benchmarking site.
There are many kinds of memory training fuction execpt for classic memory game(just pair matching).

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otacke's picture


Don't want to discourage you, but I think there are not too many people in the H5P community who have enough free time to create such a content type. Unfortunately, the H5P does not seem to work on new content types anymore either. But who knows ...

