Sourcing audio from google drive



When I try to add an audio clip with the web address from google drive, the audio comes up as unknown. Is there a way to fix this? I have ensured that the file is sharable and editable from google drive.




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BV52's picture

Hi Trish,

The URL that Google Drive provides you is not the where the audio file is located in their servers, instead it is the URL for playing the audio. H5P expects a link directly to the audio file which usually ends with the file type. Below is a comparison of Google drives URL and one that is the audio file:

These are the same file but the second links is the direct URL for the file. You can check with Google if they provide this URL.


otacke's picture

Hey all!

I just wrote a longer post at that may explain in more detail what BV already described briefly. Hope it helps.


BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Well written! Thank you for sharing.


otacke's picture

Part of my (hopefully steadily growing) archive of answers to FAQs - just in case and are not enough ;-)