Crossword puzzle completion status

Hi there,

We use the LearnDash LMS with H5P content. We currently use the GrassBlade xAPI Content to extract results from the H5P games, but they have notified me that the H5P crossword game only provides the answers' data and not the completion status as with the other games.

We would really like to be able to see the completion status of the crossword games in our xAPI reports, together with the other games' results.

Would you be able to make this available please?

Kind regards,

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otacke's picture


Hmm, H5P Crossword seems to set the "completed" flag whenever someone checks the answer (cmp. It will be part of the regular "answered" statement.



Hi Oliver,

Thank you for your reply.

I asked the xAPI consultant about this, as I don't know JavaScript.

His reply was the following: 

"We do not run completion on answered verb statements. Because as per xAPI Standard, there should be a separate passed/failed/completed verb statement for the completion."

Does this help?

otacke's picture


I don't think there is an "xAPI standard" that tells you when what should happen exactly - that is because xAPI is as much a technical standard as it is a framework that needs to be adjusted to an application's needs. You can rely on statements to follow a fixed scheme that also carries meta information (e.g. what a verb exactly means by attaching a URI to it - there could be multiple different versions of a verb that bears the label "completed" but may have different meanings or connotations.

Anyway ...

Any xAPI statement with any verb can potentially carry information about the success/completion status. These are part of the "result" object than any xAPI statement can have (regardless of the verb that is used, although it wouldn't make sense for all of them for sure), see

The information about the completion state within the result object is commonly transferred when H5P content types either use the verb "answered" (typically a quit like content type) or "completed" (usually when there's no score involved or when it is a compound content type such as Column).

You would need to check them both for the completion state (or potentielly not even look at the verb but the results object only.).
