Joomla please
Submitted by confortola on Wed, 11/22/2017 - 15:49
We greatly appreciate the didactic activities that your application allows and we integrate it regularly in our moodle at the secondary 2 (14-19 years). The teachings of the primare school (6-13 years) in our canton use rather joomla and want to use your application. Do you already have a deadline to integrate it into Joomla?
With thanks.
Luca Confortola
Thu, 11/23/2017 - 10:00
Quite early there was a
Quite early there was a Joomla integration, but it quickly got outdated and was eventually removed from their repository. The interest and will to invest time and resources into it has been low, and I believe most have found alternative ways of embedding H5P content from other WordPress or Drupal sites.
This is, of course, unfortunate, but understandable as it is a lot of work to maintain plugins and extensions.