Validating h5p package failed. Missing required library


Excuse my english, I'm French.

I created a "Find The Hotspot" activity and I want to upload it on my website.

I've got the same problema with a memory activity.

When I do it, I have an error message :

"Validating h5p package failed. Missing required library H5P.ImageJotspotQuestion 1.8" (attached file).

The same message with (attached files) :

* H5P.Timer 0.4

* H5P.MemoryGame 1.3

* H5P.ImageSequencing 1.1

When I unzipped my h5p file and I still see the folder H5P.ImageHotspotQuestion-1.8 (attached file).

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 and Firefox 119.0.1.

Thank you very much for your help !

Have a good day.

Content types: 
otacke's picture


You probably lack the rights to install libraries on the platform, please cmp.



Thank's, I'm going to ask it to my admin.

Have a good day !