Leaderboard request -- for increasingly popular game-based / gamification design
Hello H5P folks,
Can a leaderboard function be developed? (Or is there something existing that I've missed?) It would be extremely useful in several activities including Game Map. (A stand-alone leaderboard that coordinated the scores from several activities would also be amazing. Even a stand-alone leaderboard that required manual updating would be useful to instructors using several game-based activities in their course.)
I see people have asked for leaderboard functions in the past (see below), and I think it is increasingly important, as interest in game-based learning and course gamificaton grows. THANK YOU!
ps BTW I see there is a WordPress plugin that makes a leaderboard out of H5P data, but that won't help much in our course environment (Brightspace) ... but it could show that there is interest, and it's feasible) https://wordpress.org/plugins/mycred-h5p/