H5P Content Type: Mini Course
I can see from various forum/support topics here and even on a Twitch video by Oliver Tacke that "Mini Course" has been in the agenda since around 2019. It is repeatedly told that Mini Course is ready yet. Stil, I would like to see how content can be created with it.
I tried using the files from Github but the compiled .h5p file gives errors; I may have done something wrong. I searched the internet for a downloadable example but the only sample I have found so far cannot be downloaded - anyway, the website is down for maintenance. I will be very pleased if someone can share here a .h5p file created with Mini Course.
Many thanks in advance.
Mon, 01/22/2024 - 19:10
I managed to add the Mini Course library and started using it. For anyone else that might be interested, the .h5p file for this is available as an attachment to this post - just upload it as a new content file.