Set a score of 2 to pass the exam, but only 1 point can pass the exam


Has anyone ever encountered a situation where a score of 2 is set to pass the exam, but a score of 1 is enough to pass?

The server environment has not changed. Recently, it has been discovered that there is a problem with the scoring function. If you score one point while doing questions, you can pass the exam. Even if I set a score of 2 to pass the exam, as long as you score one point, the system will determine that the exam has been passed.

Why is this happening?

How can I solve this problem?

Looking forward to your reply



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otacke's picture


I don’t think the "gradebook" that your screenshots show is part of H5P, but of Opigno, isn't it?

Hi otacke,

Thank you for your reply,

You did point out my mistake right out, thank you very much. Yesterday, I thought it was a problem with the H5P plugin that caused this score issue. Now, I think it may be an issue with the Optico or Drupal part.

I'll study it again. Thank you very much


Wishing everything good