H5P content not showing


Every once a while the issue appears on our website, which is that some of the H5P contents are not showing, I have been investagting the issue for a week, and I tried to replicate the issue and I couldn't.

The issue usually appears when the H5P updates its content types libraries.

I have tried to delete all kinds of cache (Redis, WP Rocket, Browser Cache) but nothing worked.
I am doubting that WP Rocket is causing this issue, but I couldn't prove that yet.
Did anyone had the same issue before or does someone know if WP Rocket or Redis must not work with H5P?

BV52's picture

Hi Kinan,

I'm not sure what the screenshot is supposed to show since there is an H5P content there. Additionally it would be a lot of help if you can provide the information requested in this forum: https://h5p.org/forum/9


I've added a new forum, could you please check it?

Hi BV5,
I've posted a new forum, could you please check it?