Can't add authors


I am using the Interactive Book on Brightspace and I want to add some of my colleagues to the H5P content in order for them to edit/see reports and change ownership. Sadly it seems impossible to find my colleagues when I fill in their names at 'collaborators'. I can't find them with their name or their email addresses, but they are members of the Brightspace page. Anyone that has any tips on how to share the content? 

Thanks in advance!

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi luannedussel,

To add collaborators your colleagues needs to have an H5P author account in your organization. There are 2 ways to create an author account, first they can automatically be created if try to create content using LTI within Brightspace or an administrator of your account adds them manually. This is subject to seat availability depending on your license. You can read more about adding users in this guide:

If you have additional questions please reach out to the Customer Success team by sending an email to [email protected].