H5P WordPress plugin: tags silently dropped


in the process of migrating 8k Drupal 7 H5P nodes to WordPress via a custom Python script, I generated tags with metadata from the Drupal content type  in order to categorize the contents in WordPress.

However, I found that many tags were silently dropped.

I troubleshooted the issue and found that the h5p_tags table name field was varchar(31) and that the following line in admin/class-h5p-content-admin.php

$wpdb->insert("{$wpdb->prefix}h5p_tags", $exists, array('%s'));


did not have any error checking for null returns.

Hence two feature requests:

  • Increase the lenght of the tag name field to at least 200 chars to be in line with WordPress taxonomy.
  • Add error checking to the $wpdb->insert to detect null value and alert of database errors.
  • Or, even better, make the H5P content a regular custom WordPress post type.
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