[BUG] RTL problem in crossword
Hello everyone, I recently faced a bug in the crossword tool when we use RTL wordpress (or language).
There are three problems:
1- the words in answer part must locate in the right side, also when you type the alphabet, they start from right to left
for example now it write like ط - - - - - (LTR) which should be like - - - - - ط (RTL)
2- in the graphical crossword part there is a problem when the word is horizental way. the word should start from right side and when you write the alphabet they should be written from right to left.
3- the space character should be skipped in the graphical part of crossword (it's even good for English language and others as well)
Thanks a lot I hope it help the plugin become a step more better!
Crosword Version: 0.5.13
H5P version: 1.16.0
wordpress: Arabic Version - 6.7.2
Mon, 02/24/2025 - 23:03
Crossword does not have RTL
Crossword does not have RTL support. That's not a bug, but simply a missing feature.