
How to make the stage as cleared stage on game map


I just want to ask If how can I make the stage as cleared stage while other stages are yellow or need to clear  the stage? Right now, all of my stage are labeled as yellow or need to clear the stage. I see some example where there are stage that cleared stage by default and others are need to be cleared or yellow labeled.

[BUG] RTL problem in crossword

Hello everyone, I recently faced a bug in the crossword tool when we use RTL wordpress (or language).

There are three problems:
1- the words in answer part must locate in the right side, also when you type the alphabet, they start from right to left

for example now it write like ط - - - - - (LTR) which should be like - - - - - ط (RTL)

2- in the graphical crossword part there is a problem when the word is horizental way. the word should start from right side and when you write the alphabet they should be written from right to left.

Blank on Add New page



I'm having an issue with my wordpress site on Azure only, I've tried locally and things work just fine.

- Plugin doesn't show h5p content

- Add new page is blank


Things I have tried:

- Reinstalling plugin on fresh site

- Disabling plugins

- Updating permalink


Definite culprit:

When on the Add New page, the console logs some (maybe all) of the scripts failing to load, mainly because they all start with wp-content/ instead of mydomain.com/
