Contents from aren't including libraries

afmordeav's picture

Usually, to update a content type in moodle or wordpress I just had to download an example from with an updated content (Library version) and that would be enough for updating the any kind of content on my platforms, now, since a while ago.. every time I try doing so it always throws the error:

missing-required-library : Missing required library H5P.GameMap 1.3

This happens to any kind of outdated content, I tried downloading H5P packages from Oliver Tacke, and they did work for me and I was able to update most of my libraries.. Still missing some other tho.. But why do contents from won't work likewise?

Anyways is someone knows any workaround it would be most helpful for me to overcome this situation... I need to upload some interactive videos, but I always get ( missing-required-library : Missing required library H5P.InteractiveVideo 1.27).

Thanks in advance!

Ps: Both my sites are local so they don't have access to internet nor HTTPS calls, therefore I can't use the H5P Hub to update libraries 

Edit After Answers: Forked! Worked like a charm! I just downloaded all of them! Just had to change the extension of the zip to H5P and upload them to my platforms and done! Libraries updated! Thanks a lot Oliver!

Content types: 
otacke's picture

H5P Group changed this early this year to remove load from the servers. As a consequence, (the example) files from cannot be used to install missing libraries anymore, correct.

The H5P content type server can be accessed to retrieve files (send a POST to where machineName is the machine name of the content type that's served by the Hub server, e. g. H5P. Accordion), but there's no ready-made site that does this for you.

One could build something like that quite easily though ... 


otacke's picture

Here you go:

I could have made this look and feel like the H5P Hub, but a plain list probably does the job as well :-)

otacke's picture

BV, that link will help you out, too, I guess.

BV52's picture

Bookmarked :) thanks!

afmordeav's picture

I just downloaded all of them! 

afmordeav's picture

 just downloaded all of them! Just had to change the extension of the zip to H5P and upload them to my platforms and done! Libraries updated! Thanks a lot Oliver!

dgcruzing's picture

Pays to catch up on the reading as this looks like what I need. 

afmordeav's picture

For your time and support!