
Readspeaker and Moodle compatibility

stopbit's picture

Hi, I use Readspeaker (it's a piece of accessibility software that can read out loud text on screen).

I've noticed a few forum posts and even some feature improvement notices on the site that specifically mention the use of ReadSpeaker with H5P. I have a feeling this was related to either wordpress or drupal.

Error while loading script

I am having problems with the H5P extension, when creating interactive content of any type, it keeps loading, please wait... and throws several errors in the console. I have tried updating the extension, I have even reinstalled it and none of this works for me. What is happening? I can't find the solution.


- Moodle version: Moodle 3.10.11 (Build: 20220509)

- PHP version: 7.2

- H5P Version: Release 1.26.1

- Desktop problems

- Problems in Google Chrome, Firefox

- PHP errors: NO

- Console errors: YES (they are attached)


Enlarge video on coverpage Interactive book

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to enlarge a video on the coverpage of the interactive book? I would ideally like it to be atleast half a page as shown in blue pen in the attached drawing. 

I have been using interactive book option a lot and just found out I can add a video instead of a photo to the coverpage. Unfortunately it is too small to really be of much benefit as I have created an intro video with audio and key points. 

I am using H5P in Moodle to create these interactive books for various modules in our short course.
