Negative scores in multichoice questions

I have a multichoice question that has five right answers and two wrong answers to chose from . I have taken off both 'scoring' options in the Behaviour settings (Give one point and show score points) as that was confusing, so now if someone answers 1 wrong and four right they end up with a score of 3/5. This is disheartening for the learner. Is there anyway we can stop the negative scoring and just leave the positive scoring? Thanks


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BV52's picture

Hi Lindy,

This is not possible not unless you make changes to the code. Removing the feature though will have an undesirable effect, users of the content will always get a perfect score if they choose all the options.

Although I agree that it does confuse some users due to the "negative" score. If we place a feature to enable/disable negative scoring I think there should also be a secondary setting to limit the number of items the user can choose.

I've moved this post to the feature request forum for a better chance of this getting implemented in the future.



I was wondering if this feature ever got rolled into a release?


otacke's picture

Hi bez.lashkari!

I think it has not even been coded: Asking for a feature doesn't automatically guarantee that it will be implemented.

