Creating a personality test with verbose questions

I have the project to create a tool which helps to choose an ideal messenger app. H5P looks like a very promising solution for this Problem and I can make use of the personality test template. My goal is to share the tool with a blog article on word press and want an option for internationalization because I want at least a German and an English version.

My question is: Who can I make verbose question descriptions in the personality test? If i have to edit the template for the personality test: where should I start so that the editor supports the option of verbose question descriptions for personality tests?


I attached my not fully translated stub of this thest in the hope that it helps to understand my question.

thanks in advance.



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BV52's picture

Hi 1_aberlin,

Can you please elaborate your question. I'm not sure what you mean with "verbose question" in the personality quiz. 


Thanks for the fast reply, 

somtimes I need an option to explain a question or the answer options. A description Text below the question would help. Tooltips to further describe the answer options would also be nice. Can I get somthing like this without editing the sourcecode? If I need to change the sourcecode: How can I get Involved to edit the tamplate to get such an option?



BV52's picture

Hi 1_aberlin,

I'm afraid this is not possible as of the moment. Having said that I think this is a great idea and I have moved this post to the Feature Request forum.
