Educational Research Pot O' Gold


When students create with H5P, they gain these valuable benefits while they demonstrate their learning toward course outcomes. An alternative to PowerPoint, H5P's Course Presentation gives students the opportunity to present to each other with the additional option of interactivity. With this content type, students might
• persuade an audience, ask questions, and gain their feedback,
• explain a theory or concept incorporating audio and using the "Export Text" area to include transcripts that may also be downloaded, or
• analyze a topic while including images or video.
Our Course Presentation example is a graduate student's presentation for classmates of a useful tool for education research. Group presentations may be feasible if one student takes the lead to create an account and shares the password with the group. Recommended for larger projects that may span several weeks.

New to H5P? Read the installation guide to get H5P on your own site.