downloading h5p file - unzip, rezip and upload again not working...


as an experiment, I made a quick module, with not much in it. I downloaded it, changed the .h5p extension to .zip, and extracted it.

I then remade it into a zip, and changed teh extension back to .h5p.

Essentially, it was a round trip where nothing was changed.

When I try to load it, I got the following message:


Validating h5p package failed.

A valid content folder is missingGet help

A valid main h5p.json file is missingGet help


What I am ultimately attempting to do is to create a library, add it to an unzipped folder, then rezipping, changing the name etc.

Am I going about this totally the wrong way?



otacke's picture

Hi Brce!

I suppose you're trying to upload your file in the Content Hub? Since it's not a content file, but just a bunch of libraries, that won't work. Please upload it using the library page in your host system's settings.


p. s.: If you're experimenting with custom packing of h5p files, please make sure that you stick to our specification, because otherwise you might break compatibility.

otacke's picture

I just did some extra checking, and obviously the error message that you recieved will also pop up if you zip the files wrong. Could you please check if you zipped the folder (won't work) or all the files (should work)?

Yes! Thanks Oliver, that was the exact problem:)

Thanks heaps:)