How do you turn H5P exercices into a public mode?
Submitted by Nathalie on Tue, 06/05/2018 - 12:46
Hi there!
I'd love to join the Learnybox LMS plateform and thus integrate the many H5P exercices I created.
The thing is the iframe code isn't accepted by their plateform as it shows "vous n'avez pas accès à ce contenu. Essayez de vous connecter"(meaning: You don't have access to this content. Try logging in." A Learnybox technician suspects my H5P exercises are in private mode. I don"t recall seeing a public or private options in H5P. Please tell me I am mistaken and how to change the settings.
Many thanks for your help!
Wed, 06/06/2018 - 02:27
Hi Nathalie,All contents
Hi Nathalie,
All contents created in is public. Would you mind sharing the embed code that you used?
Wed, 06/06/2018 - 08:16
Hi BV52Here's the embed code.
Hi BV52
Here's the embed code. This H5P is hosted on Moodle. Could it be Moodle blocking its access then?
<iframe src="" width="1081" height="371" frameborder="0"
The message Learnybox gets is "You don't have access to this content. Please connect".
Thanks for your help.
Thu, 06/07/2018 - 04:09
Hi Nathlie,You are correct
Hi Nathlie,
You are correct this is a Moodle setting. Moodle requires a logged in user to access a course/resource. Afaik the only page that will let non-logged in users to interact with H5P contents is the homepage. Please note though that these H5P content should be placed in the homepage not embeded from a Course. I've attached screenshots for you.
You can of course create the contents here in which will automatically make it public.
Tue, 02/16/2021 - 20:19
All contents created in is public
Hi BV52,
When you mention "All contents created in is public" you mean the site, correct? The content I create on my Moodle site through the plugin or the core version is not made public, is this correct?
Tue, 02/16/2021 - 20:29
Hi Kristi,Yes that is correct
Hi Kristi,
Yes that is correct I meant the website. The visibility of H5P contents created in a CMS/LMS like Moodle depends on what the administrator sets much like any other contents created within it. So if the course or page is set behind a username/password only those that are given access to will see the contents.
I hope this clarifies things and if you have any other questions feel free to post in the forums.
Fri, 02/26/2021 - 05:08
Many Thanks
Many thanks for the clarification. It is much appreciated.
Fri, 01/28/2022 - 11:02
How Public?
My apologies to jump onto this topic but it's kinda related.
Can the public content be searched on H5p or is it only if they have the link to the content they can read it? And by that, I mean anyone can add a random number to the end of the link to see more content.
Many thanks