Run H5P applcation on apache tomcat

How to confgure & run my nodeJs app in apache tomcate which is currently using gulp. Attached attachment folder structure of my application. Now I want to run this application using apache tomcat server where I can create a war file and deploy it n AWS server. As my services(BackEnd services- Java services) are running in AWS using apache tomcat. Please let me know how do I proceed on the same.

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tomaj's picture


H5P is curretly only supported running in Drupal/Wordpress/Moodle plugins. You can use the embed option (on the bottom of h5ps hosted elsewhere) to embed a h5p in a web page you create.

You would have to create a plugin for you environment (Tomcat or Nodejs) if you want to nativly support it there.

- Tom

PS: You did not attach your folderstructure

tomaj's picture

If you are a developer there is some JS-code for working with h5p in the cli, that you might be able to reuse.

Is there any plugin available to run the app in tomact. I've developed plugin to run my app in NodeJs, but am looking for plugin which can run in tomcat

tomaj's picture


There is no Tomcat or Java support for h5p at the moment. Maybe someone in the community reading this, is interested in taking it on as a side project?

- Tom