Left-aligned text bug in Dialog Cards

papi Jo's picture

In the Dialog Cards activity, text entered in the Text or Answer text boxes should be left-aligned by default. Text is left-aligned in Edit mode, but changes to center-aligned in View mode. Only the center and right-align formatting work in View mode.

For an example see https://h5p.org/node/35694


Content types: 
tim's picture

Thanks for reporting this bug. I've made an issue for it on the Core Team's work board. You can follow it here: https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-292

One of us will reply to this post once the bug is fixed and the updated version of Dialog Cards is released. 

papi Jo's picture

Thanks for your prompt answer, tim. By the way, what is the preferred way to report bugs: on this forum or directly on JIRA (I have created an account there)?

tim's picture

Forum would be the best place. If it can't be resolved here by the community, one of the Core Team developers will raise it as an issue on Jira :)