share content between accounts

It would be awesome if we could easily share the content we have created in our H5P accounts with others. This is a major issue when staff move on and have created all the H5P content for our online learning and we are unable to access it or even edit. 

I am not sure how simple or complex this is but it is in line with the open source nature of this platform and would help it be more useful to organisations. 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
otacke's picture

Hi Beth!

Content sharing and collaboration is a feature that's provided by already, including management by an administrator. And you are right, H5P is open source, so people are welcome to add a similar feature to the H5P plugins themselves, to crowd-fund for someone else doing the job, etc.


Here's an example of how we'd like to share content.   

We converted more than 100 quizzes from non-h5p format to h5p and put them on our site.  (  We use h5p, and the quizzes with our LMS, D2L.  The quizzes have public access.     The quizzes came from  ELC Study Zone - University of Victoria

We'd like to give all of the h5p quizzes to ELC Study Zone.  They use Moodle as a LMS with h5p.  Can they access our folder of quizzes from their set up?    Do we have to download them and send the quizzes?  How does it work? 

The idea is that their instructors, using Moodle don't have to remake the quizzes or go through a lot of trouble to find the h5p quizzes.  

Wow.  I really hope I can find an answer to this one.   Thanks

Portland Community College