Make Text overrides and translations revertible to default
In Edit mode, a number of H5P activities have a Text overrides and translations section. Most of the text fields there are required. Leaving those fields empty (or emptying them) triggers the error message "The text field is required and must have a value."
I suggest it would be better to make those text fields not required. I notice that when not required, if you leave those fields empty, then they revert to their default value. I think this "revert to default value" behaviour could be useful. There is no other way to revert to default than making the fields not required.
Edit.- Actually, the reset to default works in 2 stages when language is other than English. You have to delete the default text from the text field, then save, and you get the English default, then Edit and Save again and you get the current language default text!
Note.- Tested this under WordPress.
Mon, 01/09/2017 - 09:25
I agree, it would be useful
I agree, it would be useful to be able to revert to a default value - this is true for almost all settings on all types of systems. I think this is something that might also be solved by a new 'revert to default' button for the entire content type as a cleaner solution.
Nevertheless it's a very good point you've raised and if other creators show a desire for reverting to default values, I think it's something that should be added.
papi Jo
Mon, 01/09/2017 - 11:45
" I think this is something
" I think this is something that might also be solved by a new 'revert to default' button for the entire content type as a cleaner solution. "