Image Hotspots - Inconsistent positioning

1. I started with a scale background image of a badminton court

I proceeded to add hotspots and pop-up content


- on mobile and smaller desktop window widths, the popup covers the entire background image even when the "Cover entire background image" is unchecked; scroll down then click on hot spot near bottom of image results in the the pop up text appearing offscreen

- on mobile, the hotspot image doesn't scale down; on mobile, this leads to ambiguity as to which line on the background image it corresponds to; as a side-effect, I've had to position the hotspots off-line causing the hotspot to appear misaligned on desktop

2. Wordpress 5.0.3

3. Mobile and Desktop

4. Chrome, Firefox, Safari

5. H5P verson 1.11.3

6. Image Hotspots,

7. None

8. None

9. Screenshots



Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi robocoder,

Thank you for reporting this. I have filed a bug report and you can follow the progress here.
