Equation editor ?

jumera's picture


(first, sorry for my bad english : I am French...)

I am teaching mathematics, and i would like to create quizz with mathematical equations

For example : Fraction, square root, exponent, subscript, ...

I can't do this with the editor (see attachment)

Is it possible, and how can i do this..?

(or load pics in editor..?)

Thank's for answer

otacke's picture

Hi Jumera!

H5P doesn't have a visual editor yet, but you can use the math stuff of LaTeX, see https://h5p.org/mathematical-expressions



jumera's picture


but only with WordPress and Drupal :(

otacke's picture

Hi Jumera!

No, that's not limited to any host system. What makes you believe it wouldn't work on moodle?



jumera's picture


moodle..? ok i didn't understand this

I was embedding Quizz directly on my internet site

So, i have to learn what moodle is, and how it works


BV52's picture

Hi Jumera,

You can actually do it here in H5P since the LaTeX is already enable. However we encourage you to avoid using H5P.org to create real content. It is only there for testing purposes. There are a lot of limitations on the site and there are also plans to disable the embed feature soon.


You could go to the getting started pagehttps://h5p.org/getting-started to learn how to get started with H5P if you are done trying it out on H5P.org or sign up for a subscription inH5P.com.



jumera's picture


You said that, soon, embed feature will be disable on h5p

Do you mean that all embeded iframe i put on my site, will be disabled..? or only that, soon, we ll not be able to embed..?

So, you say that, if i want to create (soon) quizz on h5p and show them on my site, i must sign for subscription ? 19$ month ? 

Thanks for explain

BV52's picture

Hi Jumera,

Previously created contents will not be affected since we understand that some of these are already in use.

You have a choice to either host your own contents using Drupal, Wordpress or Moodle or sign up for H5P.com.

H5P.org was not meant to be used for actual contents only for testing and getting the hang of how to use H5P. We cannot host everyone's content for free hence my suggestions above.


jumera's picture


So (except h5p) it is only Drupal, Wordpress or Moodle..?

BV52's picture

Hi Jumera,

You are correct. If you install the H5P plugin on one of those they will also behave the same way as what you can see in H5P.org (which actually runs on Drupal).


jumera's picture

ok... thank's for answers...

otacke's picture

Hi Jumera!

I'm not sure if I can follow.

You always need a host system to run H5P on. Could be WordPress, Drupal (also fueling H5P.org), moodle, H5P.com, etc. But no matter what host system you use, the support for math via LaTeX is always the same.



jumera's picture


Trying to explain...

I am mathematical teacher, and i work with a forum (MyBB) of my site.  And there is not Library admin in it. So I can't install Library, except if i create a plugin (but i don't have enough knowledge to do it)

Actually, i embed iframe after creating Quizz on h5p, and i put this iframe in a post of my forum

otacke's picture

Hi Jumera!

I guess BV already answered your question. There are H5P plugins for WordPress, Drupal, moodle, ILIAS and some other systems, but not MyBB unfortunately.


jumera's picture

yes i know

It is possible create it anyway (...)

Thanks for answers

jumera's picture


jumera's picture