Check Lists

I am building something that has both a tutorial and a job aid that will be used as a checklist in a medical context.

The user will be guided though "critical steps" that will ensure that every step is taken while administering a procedure. For example, "Have you washed your hands."

I would like the user not to be allowed to continue until they have said yes or checked a box. (Obviously, they can lie!)

I think I can do this with branching questions, but it would be great to have something that would:

1. Provide hard stops and feedback until the person checked the box.

2. Was scored at the end -- perhaps an xAPI statement that would report that the person has done the procedure checking off all the steps in the proper sequence.

This would be very helpful to make sure we can drive behavior change as well as teach.

I would be interested to hear from folks who have done something similar.

Thank you.

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BV52's picture

Hi louisbiggie,

This can actually be done using branching scenario. You can use the branching questions as hard stops to force them to choose the correct answer and it also provides a way for you to score every step. I've created a crude sample (feel free to download to check the settings). In this scenario I created 3 choices I called "steps" to get the full score you need to follow steps 1-3. An incorrect step will send you back either to the start or to the previous question. Taking a wrong turn deducts a point. As I've mentioned it's a bit crude and choosing step 3 at the first branching question leads nowhere.

Creating this type of Branching Scenario is a bit tedious but I think this will do until someone creates a content type that is simpler. Unless someone from the community has a better idea (I'm curious as well).