Course Presentation Summary Slide shows question score before submitting

We are on Moodle 3.7.3 and have Course Presentation 1.21.6 (I think). We are using the H5P Course Presentation to create a presentation with quiz questions. The questions are either multiple choice or True/False. The problem we are experiencing is that the Summary slide is scoring the questions before the "Check" button for each question or "Show solution" button in the Summary slide are clicked. This allows students to answer the questions then jump to the Summary slide to check if they are correct. Any questions that aren't correct, they can return to it to guess an answer then go back to the Summary slide to check if it received a score. 

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BV52's picture

Hi cyang,

Thank you for reporting this. I created a bug report and you can follow the progress here.


Just reporting another odd behavior...Not sure if it's a bug...So when the user answers a question and jumps to the Summary slide to check the score, the score is automatically transferred to the gradebook. Hopefully, when the bug report you created gets fixed it'll fix this problem, as well.

BV52's picture

Hi cyang,

This is perfectly normal. Since the trigger for Course Presentation to send the scores to the Gradebook is once the student reaches the Summary Slide. But of course this not what we want. This should also be fixed once the other issue is fixed since I would assume that the change would either be not let the students reach the Summary Slide if they are not done yet or no scores will be recorded.