Only Multiple Choice available in Quiz (Question Set) (v1.17.1)
Submitted by mut on Sat, 04/04/2020 - 18:37
As you can see in the screenshot, when I try to add questions in a Quiz (Question Set), there is no drop-down-menu to choose between different question types.
A few days ago, this still worked, when we were at v1.12.0 of the library. Just a few days ago, the version changed to v1.17.1.
We are using Moodle 3.7.5+ (Build: 20200312) with v1.20.2 of the H5P plugin.
The problem appears in firefox and chromium, other browsers have not been tested.
Can anybody confirm this?
Content types:
Sat, 04/04/2020 - 18:44
Added screenshot as attachment.
Mon, 04/06/2020 - 19:16
Hi Andreas,Can you please
Hi Andreas,
Can you please download my test content and upload it into Moodle. If this doesn't resolve your issue please provide the follwing:
Mon, 04/06/2020 - 20:04
Problem seems to be solved! Thanks!
Hi BV,
uploading your h5p file seems to have solved the problem. All the other question types are back, when I create a new quiz (see attachment).
Thanks for this very fast solution!
Just out of curiousity: if you have the time, could you let me know what the problem (and the solution) was? (In rather simple terms, I'm completely new to h5p...)
Best regards,
Tue, 04/07/2020 - 18:38
Hi Andreas,This is just a
Hi Andreas,
This is just a theory and I'm not a developer so there is really no way for me to check ;-)
Complex content types such as Quiz (Question Set), uses the same libraries/files that the stand alone contents use i.e. Multiple Choice, True/False etc. When you upgrade the plugin this does not upgrade the libraries of the content types hence the option to upgrade in the HUB. By design when you upgrade a complex content type it automatically upgrades all the libraries that it will use. For some reason this does not happen everytime (less than 1% of the time), because of this Quiz (Question Set) cannot 'see' the other content types because they are using an older version. will always have the latest version since it gets upgraded first before any of the plugins. Uploading the file includes all the upgraded libraries needed by Question Set and thus it upgrades what you have in your plugin.
Tip: Create a content in for all the complex content type i.e. Quiz (Question Set), Course Presentation, Column etc. Whenever a similar problem occurs just download it and upload it to your system. For me this is also a faster way of updating the content types since I don't have to go updating them one by one in the HUB.
Sat, 04/18/2020 - 12:22
Hi BV,
thanks for your detailed description!